home building missionsHome Building Missions

Most of these families where we serve in Mexico have no electricity, running water, or sewage system. The conditions are very difficult. God laid it on our hearts to address this need by building homes in Mexico for these very needy families. It has been said that people will don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.  Meeting the very practical needs of shelter and safety  has opened the hearts of whole communities. We have witnessed that 80% of each household that benefits from our home building ministry receives Christ as Savior.

Building Homes in Mexico

By building homes in Mexico, we win the confidence of the people. They will listen to the Gospel we preach. Presently, the ministry has constructed 382 homes in Mexico. We are very blessed and privileged to witness God working so closely in us, through us and around us for His glory. It is the partnership of those who stand with Faith Missions Ministries in their house building ministry  that makes this possible.

home building missions
home building in mexico
home building ministry